Something I noticed since I started teaching graphic design at the Rosemont Technical Center is that by nature we do not research, we take things at face value. Questions are seldom asked, do we not question why we do the things we do?
This is why research is such a huge part of helping you market yourself more effectively, whether your going for a prominent design position, freelancing or just starting out. Please take my word that asking questions never looks stupid unless you didn't do your homework and you may be evaluated on the questions you didn't ask.
Imagine going into an interview and the HR person knows less that you do about your persepctive employer(ok maybe it's slightly exagerated but possible). The web is a wonderful way to research perspective clients or employers, however not everyone has a website. This is where government agencies come in handy like which is a data base of registered companies in Canada as well as city portal cites or general search engines. So you never know....sometimes it can lead to bigger and better things or save you from getting a job that may not be your cup of tea afterall.
Don't be afraid to call the company and ask questions prior to your meeting (even a secretary may have a moment or two to answer a few questions, remember to ask if there's a better time to speak with them) ...ask around to friends or relatives if they have heard about your prospect to help you evaluate and add to your "homework" of research;you can never be over prepared.