Graphic Design...there's so much to learn
Monday, 14 January 2008
Always give them more!
Mood:  bright

SO you've found a new client and you are all geared up for the first project that you gave a more than reasonable quote. Do you A) give them only what you quoted for or B) additional options?
Every designer has thier opinion on where they stand on this issue and I am no different.  Yes it can be time consuming and time is money but personalized service can lead to money as well.
Sometimes giving them more doesn't necessarily mean additional hours without pay, more designs or marketing options. Sometime it means little things like a simple organisation system that they can put into place to keep track of things like an excel file (takes 10 mins to set up). Or going to a meeting prepared for almost any situation. In the end it's a wow factor. Word of mouth is sooo important today and this little something extra can lead you to all kind of wonderful opportunities. I am not saying promise the moon and the stars. Be willing and open minded to take that little extra step.

Posted by eclipsgraphics at 12:47 PM EST

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